My copy of Uppercase's 'Work/Life 2' Directory of Illustration has finally arrived from Canada and as predicted, its chocoblock full of visual and written wonderfulness (check out the little flick through video they've created here on Vimeo). I can't help but love these kind of publications... carefully considered little windows into creative lives... and Uppercase knows how to do it exceptionally well. Not only are their magazines a delight to behold, their other self published projects are so obviously made with great care and passion. Two other books I've purchased from them include the Camilla Engman edition from the Suitcase Series and The Elegant Cockroach written by Deidre Anne Martin and beautifully illustrated by the talented Stefanie Augustine.

1.The Elegant Cockroach 2. Sandra's image as featured in WL2
(angle match of antennae and fishing rod, & seated positions are purely coincidental!!)
Stephanie's profile is one of many included in Work/Life 2 alongside Melbourne's very own Queen of quirkiness Sandra Eterovic (remember I bought her delicious sailor!) - and many of my other faves including Mia Christopher, Christiane Engel, Camilla Engman and Sandra Juto. And I was delighted to be introduced to new artists such as Lesley Barnes and Caroline List.