26 April 2013

headspace 116

texta, gouache

Found this scrap piece of art paper today with the black texta shapes drawn on it - a legacy from an exhibition many many moons ago - and since they reminded me of eyes, I thought a little bit of colour, and... shazzam... a perfect Headspace addition!

14 April 2013

headspace 104


I've been playing around with Photoshop filters this afternoon, and having a GRAND OL time! I created about 6 different versions from an initial design, and this is the one I decided to post first. Discovering digital image making has been a rather slow and delayed learning process for me - but since I started the Headspace project, I'm finding that when I'm especially busy and/or tired, as I am now, it provides a clean and genuinely interesting way to explore ideas - relatively quickly - except of course when I spend too much time fiddling and exploring! I still haven't invested in a Wacom tablet, but I think once I do, a lot will change with my art making. I'm not particularly fond with a lot of the filters available, but if you work intuitively, the end result can be really rewarding. It can also serve as an effective sketch book process - for example, I could imagine painting this one, or translating it with real collage material.

10 April 2013

headspace 100!!!

watercolour, acrylic paint, pencil

ONE HUNDRED!!! Ta-dah! I have to say I'm just a little bit excited to reach the three figure mark - and so are these guys, even though most of them don't look like they are!

09 April 2013

headspace 099

photo & digital collage

A beautiful collection of peacock spider photographs was doing the rounds of the internet yesterday, and I immediately thought their patterned tails would make for great Headspace inspiration. But as I walked into the kitchen this morning, the horned ginger jumped out at me, and together with a red sheet of cardboard and the new cheapy camera in hand, a photo shoot in the gorgeous Autumn morning light was inevitable! Did the image really need the collaged eyes? Well, I did deliberate, and decided that yes, I wanted to have some fun with this. I do really like the final image, even though it's kinda freaked my partner out a bit!

06 April 2013

not too shabby

Testing out the close up capabilities of a new cheapy camera - since my desk seems to sadly be shrouded in camera carcasses! The results are not too shabby (quite liking the mountain range feel!), although I'm pining for a replacement DSLR - one day.....

headspace 096
