02 September 2012

grrr... photography part 2!

I'm so very close to making the shop live (but not tonight)! But alas, my camera died today (or the battery, or the charger - I'm seriously hoping it's one of these rather than the camera). It seems my master plan to snap away in perfect Spring daylight has been hijacked by the dreaded 'electro-devil', a great term my brother used today to describe what happens to all printers, computers, phones, cameras, cars, scanners, recording devices, photocopiers, washing machines, dryers & any other electrical device - when you have a deadline. What IS that all about? How DO they KNOW?! Gah! Grr! Hissss!


holly aka golly said...

Helen: I'm just catching up on your posts...congratulations on the launch! I'm so excited for you. Taking pictures of 2D work is something I always muddle through. So far, your pictures look great to me! Keep going - you're so close!

Paravent said...

It is always the way! Such a mystery. Hang in there and it'll pass soon. The page is looking fabulous :) Kx

p.s. did you know I've changed blog names and emails and all that malarky? You can find me here now: http://paraventdesign.blogspot.com.au/ :)