30 October 2010

petra hilbert

I found these gorgeous gorgeous painted plates on Etsy last night by Slovakian artist Petra Hilbert - I really really want one - (I'm developing a painted/drawn plate fetish I think)! Petra graduated from the Department of Puppet Stage Design of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava - what amazing experience I imagine that would be, as puppetry has a remarkable history in Eastern Europe. Her drawings are pretty wonderful too - there's certainly a strong 'heart organ' iconography running through the works - at times just ever so sinister. She doesn't have a website link on Etsy, so I had to pull on my investigator's hat and conduct a little searching with the o-so-handy google website translating option (LOVE this!). You can find some extra links below to learn more about her.

> Etsy shop, website, Slovak Illustrators Association profile/portfolio, nice long profile on Citarny - choose your language when you get there!


annamaria potamiti said...

Fantastic- I would love to own one of these too-:)

Hazel Terry said...

These are wonderful no wondeer you are smitten.

Anonymous said...

Those are just lovely plates. The top one is my favorite. And what an amazing education!

Nina Lindgren said...

you keep such a high level on everything you post!

helicopter6 said...

So very pleased you all like these. I'm still a little prepared to not eat for a couple of weeks so I can buy one!!!

helicopter6 said...

... and thank you so much Nina.

Sandra Eterovic said...

aaaahhh!!! I love it. lovely to meet you yesterday! :)

Kickcan & Conkers said...

these are beautiful. I love her dolls too.

Anonymous said...

There's something about your chairs which really, really appeals to me :) I'd much rather have a drawing of one of those than the decorated plates! Lovely weekend!

helicopter6 said...

Hey Sandra... it was such a lovely lovely evening with you and Sandra W, though I feel like I didn't even get a chance to talk enough about your work... maybe a Richmond rendezvous one day!
And yes Deborah, her dolls are pretty amazing too.
Lilli, thank you for your very kind words. There is certainly something about chairs that is appealing - they act as a kind of prop to figuratively perform a space - have always been interested in that :-)

Lovely World said...

I just looked at Hilbert's etsy site. She is wonderful. If only the plates were a wee bit more affordable for me...alas.

helicopter6 said...

Alas indeed!

Fine Little Day said...

Good find!