17 October 2010

takashi iwasaki

Oh my... Takashi Iwasaki. Where do I start... how I chose these three from his vast folio of embroideries (which these are), paintings, drawings and collage is a mystery! All I knew is that I needed to post something bright, playful and outstanding!... coz it's been a biiig week. I'm back on the 8.30am-4.30pm office wheel, which unfortunately does awful things to my psyche, I've said goodbye to my partner for another six week period and I updated the Blogger editing interface which is giving me more than a headache. These works introduce a little light and equilibrium!


M. said...

Wow, these are so inspiring! I especially like the one one top...

helicopter6 said...

I really suggest visiting his website, because there's just so much more!

holly aka golly said...

These are wonderful!

Unknown said...

This is really inspiring, I had a short view to his website - amazing. And I completely understand how you feel with your office job. I quite mine in August and it feels like beeing oneself again!

annamaria potamiti said...

These are:I AM SWOONING beautiful!XX

Laura said...

me too. swooning!

Hazel Terry said...

I do so love this artists work x

Paz López said...

Really beautiful, I'll take a look at his website!

Oh, and chin up!

helicopter6 said...

Aw... lots of swooning... which makes everything just that little bit better! And thankyou Paz.

A is for ART said...

So inspiring!!
Thanks for posting.
If you like art, please follow my artblog.
Hugs & Kisses from Germany,

Fickle Cattle said...

I like the second one the best although they all look so bright and cheerful. :-)


Lovely World said...

Thanks for these. You are like my blog librarian - going in the back stacks and bringing out treasures. Today is my birthday and these are a cheer for me.

helicopter6 said...

Glad you like his work Julia & Fickle Cattle. And thank you Lovely World - that's a very mighty compliment :-) Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

inaluxe said...

Sounds like a biiiig week! I love Takashi's art, and I'm going to go check out the website now! Hope you're feeling much better, and having fun. really hate blog interface issues! xo K

helicopter6 said...

Feeling much better thank you, though return to paid work isn't the sparkiest thing happening in my life! I've returned to the old basic blogger interface... much happier :-)