30 November 2012
29 November 2012
'the present understandascope' & friends
Three new Xmas / Greeting cards have made it into the Etsy shop and URSAstudiohouse. They're all printed on sturdy 350gsm 100% recycled card with lovely quality red envelopes. I hope you like them!
28 November 2012
27 November 2012
URSAstudiohouse & I have teamed together to make some lovely little gift tags for the silly season. Very happy with the end result (except that my beautiful camera died, so apologies for the poor quality).
26 November 2012
23 November 2012
procrastination - be my bunny
Look what evolves when one is suppose to be working on some more Xmas card designs! I kinda like them. I think an A-Z of fun but dodgy animal characters is an imminent project!
Then of course, if I need to procrastinate just that little bit more, why not put together another Etsy treasury! This one is 'dinner party for sixteen' - an intriguing bunch of personalities brought together for an evening of shenanigans!
20 November 2012
he's coming my way!
Jennifer Davis has already finished my custom target painting and it's on its way!! I can't believe how quickly she did this - she must be working on these around the clock! I requested an artwork incorporating an ape/monkey as the main character with some sort of birdy interaction - and this is the wonderful end result. How lucky am I? He's going to look so fabulous framed. Thank you Jennifer, you superfantabulous woman xx
19 November 2012
in changeable moments - etsy treasury
It's always enjoyable bringing together works for a treasury (gallery) in Etsy - although regretfully it's been a while since I've done this! Trawling through my favourites to make a selection is an interesting process. The range of work that I like or am attracted to, has broadened greatly since checking out the world of Etsy - and I love that. I like experiencing a regular shift in aesthetic preferences, and seeking work that has absolutely no relationship to my own, or to the work of others I am familiar with. I like exploring the thread that takes you through one shop - through their own favourites or circles - then through to shops outside of your normal search patterns - and finding that little stand alone gem or full body of work. Often I find pieces that I wouldn't necessarily want to purchase (although there are many that I do!!), but which have become part of the fascination of following an artists' path - noting their development, or how they nestle within a community or genre.
To view this treasury, please click here.
1st row: Dr Kennedy Jones (Hollie Chastain), In A Pale Place (Kat Hannah), Scott Bergey, Fric de Mentol ( Ana Raimundo)
2nd row: Cathy Cullis, The Haunted Hollow Tree (Lauren Gray), Emerald Snow, Corduroy (Jen Ray)
3rd row: Tastes Orangey (Clare Elsaesser), benconservato (Emma Kidd), Laventime Dreams (Karen Drayne), Maaike van Nierop
4th row: You Sentimental Idiot (Rikkianne Van Kirk), Groundwork (Danna Ray), Anke Weckman, Anne Gron
18 November 2012
2013 calendar - yay!

It's official! The calendars are for purchase though my Etsy shop and URSAstudiohouse in Melbourne. I've already sold seven, and have four on order for next week - so I'm absolutely beaming (and have to buy more printer ink el pronto!). It's such a fabulous feeling to finally make something that you've been wanting to for ages (having got to a point a couple of weeks ago of thinking, damn... I'm just not going to make it again this year), and to have it so well received. It helps that I have an exhibition on at the moment, and incorporated most of those images.
Each page (14 of them) takes a bit less than half an hour to print, and I've chosen lovely parchment paper/card - so not your ordinary calendar! The new printer is working a treat (except it really isn't very economical, but it's oh so super handy), and the final product looks really very gorgeous - if I don't say so myself! Unfortunately the quality doesn't translate at all well in the photos - and it certainly doesn't help that my digital SLR has died for a second time - something to do with the connectors for the battery or the power switch. So annoying and disappointing.
The calendar is designed so that at the end of each month the page can be trimmed inside the broken lines to create an A5 art print
(1/2 an A4 page 210 x 148mm / 8.3 x 5.8 in). They can then be kept or given out as gifts in a nice cheapy frame! The images are probably some of the most 'accessible' I've drawn to date - they're actually quite children friendly!
And just a little update re the geometric characters in the previous posts - they will be turned into cards this week, and they too will be available in the Etsy shop (nothing like a last minute attempt!) & at URSAstudiohouse.
It's an exciting time for me and my little enterprise helicopter6. It's been a long long LONG time coming, and it's a super lovely feeling to finally launch like this. I have my dear friend Ursula to thank, for being so brave to take the risk re opening her space. It's allowed me to be an annoying presence where art making & designing are first and foremost on my mind. Now to figure out that pesky 'how to find a part time job that pays OK and that will make me relatively happy so I can do all this other stuff' part!
17 November 2012
16 November 2012
...hairy ...glammy ...flappy ...chirpy!
Having heaps of fun turning these into cards for the silly season... still trying to decide what size... more details soon!
jennifer davis
There's no surprise that Jennifer Davis' work pops up on blogs, in mags and on favourite lists consistently. Her images both whisper and explode with incredible colour palettes and characteristic patterning - from wonderfully quirky and sometimes freakish scenarios (you know that's what I love the most), to custom portraits, collage, painted found objects, zines and prints. The first time I spied Jennifer's work was on Etsy - it was a detailed, boldly painted vintage wooden hat/wig stand. It caught my attention immediately, and as I went on to view the rest of her work for purchase, and then her blog, I realised I was looking at an exceptionally talented gal. I will certainly be inspired by her when I finally pick up a brush and start painting!
More recently, she posted a series of adapted shooting targets that were originally painted for an exhibition at First Amendment Gallery in Minneapolis in April of 2009. Somehow I missed these when they first appeared, so I'm extremely pleased that she decided to resurface them for sale. Because they are really amazing!! I've included a few examples here, and I haven't been able to resist the option through her shop to request a custom one. Hooray. I'm super excited!! My order has been placed, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with. I'll definitely show you when I receive it.
12 November 2012
2013 calendar sneek peek
I've been working like crazy to finish a 2013 calendar of recent drawings - all very exciting! I acknowledge it's a little late in the proceedings to be releasing it, but I think I've probably just managed to slip in with Christmas and the New Year on the horizon - not an optimum timeline, but OK! This is the first mock up of a single month. I've printed this page and it's looking beautiful - I'm printing on a lighter gsm/version of the parchment paper I use for my cards. By Wednesday I'll be able to provide a full update, and have the finished product available to purchase at URSAstudiohouse in East Brunswick and online in my Etsy shop. So please stay tuned!!
09 November 2012
06 November 2012
window doodles
I had enormous fun drawing on the URSAstudiohouse window with liquid chalk to conincide with the exhibition. It was extremely difficult to photograph due to reflections, but I hope you get the gist! There's something super satisfying creating work in public. It was a warm & busy early Saturday evening on Lygon Street, and people paused to watch and give me the thumbs up. Ursula loved it, and we're going to have a little brainstorm to figure out what I can do for a Xmas window. Looking forward to it - as I would love to do more of this sort of thing.
BTW, what on earth has happened to the blogger compose page in my absence - getting images to sit where I want them is a nightmare!
05 November 2012
score for uncharted flights | 4-25 november
I'm very happy to announce a new collection of original A4 & A5 drawings are now exhibiting in the wonderful studio shop URSAstudiohouse in East Brunswick, right here in Melbourne. Artsist Ursula Bolch opened her doors about four months ago, and is selling funky spoils from local and international designers, makers & artists. She has also more recently dedicated a small wall space for monthly exhibitions. Last month was Lindy Judge, and in December, Corrina Bendt takes the stage.
I had a lovely laid back opening yesterday in rather warm conditions!! A huge thank you to everyone who came - it's always so great to receive such support. The exhibition continues until the 25 November. URSAstudiohouse is open Wed-Sat 11am-6pm, and Sunday 11am-4pm, so plenty of time to pop in, have a squizz and purchase some pretty fabulous things!
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